May 2010

And just like that…It blasted off into space!!!

This morning the sky was clear and temperature perfectly nice and warm. Let’s just say something felt right about today when a huge Kennedy Space Center (KSC) bus arrived in our hotel. The journey took a while before entering KSC in Cape Canaveral and we proceeded towards our final destination the OSB II Building just opposite the Vehicle Assembly Building painted with a huge NASA logo and an American flag. Inside OSB II Dr. Sheikh […]

And just like that…It blasted off into space!!! Read More »

Space shuttle Atlantis gears up for final launch

The space shuttle Atlantis blasts off Friday on the last mission of its 25-year career, taking astronauts to the International Space Station (ISS) one last time before becoming a museum piece. The 32nd and final voyage for Atlantis, which first launched in 1985, will take six astronauts to the orbiting space research facility, delivering an integrated cargo carrier and a Russian-built mini research module. Lift-off is scheduled for 2:20pm (Malaysia 2:20am) from Kennedy Space Center

Space shuttle Atlantis gears up for final launch Read More »

Finally in Florida

We finally arrived in Orlando, Florida this evening and made our way down to the town of Melbourne (very near Kennedy Space Center) before retiring in for the night. We’re looking forward to an eventful day tomorrow, which will look something like this: 11:15amArrive OSB II (KSC) 12:00 noonAdministrator’s Briefing Master of Ceremonies Miguel Rodriguez, Deputy Director, Engineering DirectorateNational Anthem Suzy Cunningham, Advanced Planning OfficeWelcome Robert Cabana, Director Kennedy Space CenterRemarksAnatoly Perminov, Chief Russian Federal

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Welcome to the land of iPads

After 18 hours of flight via Taipei we finally arrived into USA the land of the iPads. We’ve got 12 hours before our next connection to Orlando, Florida so what do we do… we headed down to the nearest mac store to get our hands on these wonderful machines. Dr. Sheikh getting his hands on the iPad Let me just personally say that they’re great!!! Unfortunately for us the iPads are pretty much sold out

Welcome to the land of iPads Read More »