Simulator Centre Visit

18 students ranging from graduates to undergraduates, schoolchildren and special kids were given the opportunity to try their hands on the controls of the latest Boeing 737-800 full motion flight simulator at the MAS and CAE Flight and Simulator Centre in Glenmarie, Shah Alam. The main objective of the event was to let the kids experience what it feels like to pilot a jet aeroplane and hopefully inspire them to choose a career in the aerospace industry. The 2 hour session started off with a brief presentation by En. Shazmi Ali from CAE followed by a short tour of the facilities and the all important flight simulator session. The crew of NTV7 kids@fgw hosted by the ever bubbly Johan were also on site to report on the event. Certificates were given to all the lucky participants at the end of the day. All and all it was a great event and most importantly all the kids had fun and so did we. Until next time, happy holidays to all….

Briefing session

In the simulator

NTV7 host Johan

Certificates presentation

Group photo

Thank you CAE and MAS!!!

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