Rocketry Workshop 16th September 2012

Are you Malaysia’s next Rocket Scientist? Here is your chance to prove it!!! In conjunction with the 49th Malaysia Day celebration, AAM will be conducting a One-Day Rocketry Workshop (Solid Fuel) in Rebung, KL on the 16th of September 2012 from 10am to 4pm. We are offering 5 slots to the general public aged between 8-10 years old only. Please send us a short and creative e-mail to explaining why you are Malaysia’s next Rocket Scientist in 50 words or less. The closing date is on the 13th of September at 11pm and the winners will be announced on the following day. All winners must bring along your own personal computer/laptop/netbook to our workshop for the C programming session that will measure the thrust vector of your rockets. So do hurry as we are looking forward to hearing from you. Kindly submit your name, address and birth date along with your e-mail. Thank you.

Tentative Workshop Schedule
10.00 am – 10.30 am           Rocketry Basic & Fuel
10.30 am – 12.00 pm           Developing Solid Fuel
12.00 pm – 01.00 pm           Lunch
01.00 pm – 02.00 pm           Rocket Software Development
02.00 pm – 03.30 pm           Rocket Ignition & Thrust Measuring
03.30 pm – 03.50 pm           Space Talk by Captain M.Faiz Kamaludin
03.50 pm – 04.00 pm          Certificate Ceremony 
Venue: Restoran Rebung
No. 2 Lorong Maarof,
Taman Bangsar, 
59000 Kuala Lumpur, 
Kuala Lumpur.

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