March 2015

Building Pop Rockets

25th March 2015. As part of their co-curricular activities in school, members of our astronautics club built their own pop rockets last Wednesday. The students were exposed to the STEM approach of learning in which they got to design the rockets based on their own creativity. The session was led by their club teacher Mr. Ooi Leng Kai while being mentored by one of our members Prabaharan Nadarajan. The pop rockets module is the second

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Rocketry in Cyberjaya

We conducted our very first rocketry workshop for the members of our astronautics club in Cyberjaya today. It was held at the MDeC’s Knowledge Workers Development Centre. Their facilities are state of the art and we would like to extend our deepest appreciation to MDeC for letting us have your venue to run our programme. The workshop got 19 kids having fun mixing chemicals, learning software programming to measure the thrust vector of their rockets

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AstroX… that’s Us!!!

In an effort to be more jazzy and current, our dearest association is going through a transformation. Our acronym of AAM is being retired and will be replaced by our new name and image which is more dynamic and catchy. We present to you… the new us… AstroX!!! Astro is short for Astronautical and X signifies “mystery”, “mystique”, “space age” and everythng that’s cool about the space and universe. 3,2,1.. Blast off AstroX!!!

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