
Astronomy Day Penang 2012

  Saturday, 28th April 2012. I was invited by the Penang State Mufti Department to give a talk to the general public at the Jusco Mall, Bandar Baru Perda in conjunction with their Astronomy Day event. Schoolchildren, kids, adults and shoppers crowded the concourse while I presented them a slideshow about the astronaut programme and my experience during the spaceflight medical evaluation in Star City, Moscow. I explained about the importance of the centrifuge training

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Dari Kiri: Norhisham bin Ramli, Mej. Dr. Faiz Khaleed& Wan Ahmad Jailani bin Wan Ngah MISTI (Minggu Sains Teknologi & Inovasi) MOSTI Perlis telah berlangsung dari 12hb November hingga 15hb November 2008. Majlis perasmian telah dilancarkan oleh DYTM Tuanku Syed Faizuddin Jamalullail di Dewan 2020, Kangar, Perlis pada 13hb November 2008 (Khamis) pada pukul 3 tengahari. Menteri Sains, Teknologi dan Inovasi, Datuk Dr. Maximus Ongkili bersama Menteri Besar Perlis, Datuk Dr. Md Isa Sabu turut

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From Left: Norhisham bin Ramli, Mej. Dr. Faiz Khaleed& Wan Ahmad Jailani bin Wan Ngah MISTI (Minggu Sains Teknologi & Inovasi) MOSTI was held in Perlis from the 12th of November to the 15th of November 2008. The event was launched by DYTM Tuanku Syed Faizuddin Jamalullail at Dewan 2020, Kangar, Perlis on the 13th of November 2008 (Thursday) at 3.00 pm. The Science, Technology and Innovation Minister, Datuk Dr. Maximus Ongkili and the Chief

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