Sim Visit

CAE Sim Visit for APSS students

14th November 2018. We’re happy to have students from Asia Pacific Smart School today to experience the A320 simulator at CAE’s training centre in Sepang. The kids got to learn about turbine engines, aircraft door operations, cabin crew grooming and other related aviation training matters. Thank you Sarah and Reefa from CAE for hosting us. We look forward to our next visit, and we hope that everyone had fun and took back something home today […]

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Sim Visit to AACE

29th October 2015: We conducted our second simulator centre visit this year to the facilities located at the Asian Aviation Centre of Excellence – AACE to the delight of 40 kids from Sekolah Kebangsaan Leftenan Adnan, Kajang. They also got a tour of the engine room and several safety training rooms. The kids were thrilled as everyone got a chance to manually fly their state of the art A320 flight simulator which included full motion

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AACE Sim Visit ad MoU with AstroX

Sepang, 3rd August 2015 – A memorandum of understanding between Asian Aviation Centre of Excellence Sdn Bhd (AACE) and the Astronautical Association of Malaysia (AstroX) was held at the AACE’s state of the art training centre today to mark a collaboration which will see both AACE provide regular simulator centre visits to participants from AstroX. Mr Wan Mohd Ariffin Bin Wan Hussin, Assistant Director of Co-Curricular & Arts Division of the Ministry of Education was

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